24 Pictures That Perfectly Show College Life
Thinking of college? think again. student loans, huge debt, poor grades, no life, no money, no job, just beer, and ...
Thinking of college? think again. student loans, huge debt, poor grades, no life, no money, no job, just beer, and ...
Beyonce appeared on the super bowl show on Feb 3, 2013 and her show became the second most watched half ...
It's pretty clear that when you talk about a loving pet and how cute it is and it's perfect for ...
The myrtle tree garden in Xiangyang, China is a unique place, once you enter it you are completely surrounded by ...
Challenge Accepted! Challenge Accepted! Challenge Accepted! Challenge Accepted! Challenge Accepted! Challenge Accepted! Challenge Accepted!
There is a big trash problem in the US. When looking at cold numbers and statistics it's really hard to ...
These are all legit reasons, we don't understand what the big deal is
Take the quiz and try to match the lyrics to the right pop star. how well do you know your ...
On the Hawaiian island of Oahu there is a staircase that is the closest thing your can call " Stairways ...
The photo booth style portraits always showcase the best of the subject, whether it's a person, cat and especially dogs. ...
AirPano is a non-profit company that creates high-resolution panoramic shots of the most amazing places on earth. are you ready ...
Take the quiz to find out if you got what it takes to survive when the zombies attack
A family in Finland has rescued and adopted an injured squirrel they found 6 years ago
They could have made a fortune selling these as " scale protectors "
This is so hot right now
If you are a man, you should already know all of these, if you don't, learn them ASAP
Sometimes the smartest thing to say, is nothing at all
Kids of that age were crazy
A real hero and tough guy fights with his hands, and we don't mean throwing punches. we mean with a ...
Natural history surrealist sculpture " this is how artist Ellen Jewett describes her sculptures. It's a blend of plants, animals ...
Your life will be so much better with these products you will be shocked how you lived without them - ...
This Oreo Fudge recipe will blow your mind and its super easy!
NASA's scientists recently discovered an Erath like planet orbiting a star within the habitable zone of our galaxy. They name ...
a farmer with an education in fine arts and his son are building a giant Transformers sculptures. The sculptures are ...
An interior design company based in Singapore has decorated an entire apartment with the Avengers theme
It's a good thing that there are still caring people in this world.
This dog has a gift , in failing!
Why road trip will ruin your friendship
Photographers Cortis & Sonderegger recreate memorable photographs in miniature size dimensions. Assembled from mixed materials like glue and cellophane. these ...
His work has been featured all over the world and John himself appeared on TV shows and won awards for ...
Read this before your next visit to NYC
Parents will do almost anything for their kids, when your kids are happy you feel something inside that can't be ...
Graphic Designer David Olenick created this gallery of clever illustrations that take us on a journey to his world
Kian Musgrove was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in 2013, his mother Kat needed to raise £140,000 for ...
This is so badass
So the internet did a good thing again on Friday. Odin Camus turned 13 and was supposed to have a ...
What if Spiderman was just a regular rude guy, he wouldn't be so amazing then right ?
Al Otro Lado Del Sueno, or The Other Side of the American Dream is a hard project to stomech, photographer ...
in a matter of years we'll have Tindered, OKcupid-ed and otherwise sexed ourselves into one giant amalgamated mega-race
Cheetah Platt and Rhian Woodyard are two acrobatics from Los Angeles. They got engaged last year, and since February 8th ...
You have air guitar, so why not air biking. makes a lot of sense to us
Every year since 2011, Google has a worldwide science and technology competition for kids ages 13 - 18. It's called ...
Which one of these pictures are the original?
Recycling is very important , we all know this by now , and its great that you do it with ...
The dog nicknamed Blacky was brave enough to think outside the box on how to save her puppies from the ...
Maxim Shkert created these images and he calls this series " Wolf & Hoof " as the name would suggest ...
It's a different world out there in the office, you think it's all fun and work? well then you just ...
It’s been 50 years, but the actors who starred as the von Trapp children in the Sound of Music movie ...
We all need these sometimes
STOP! Take a minute to look at these cats, you will thank us later
These animals look so fake you think they're made up, but trust us , they are all real and don't ...
You gotta watch this lamb!
In a project called " The Veteran Vision Project " photographer, Devin Mitchell has traveled around the United States documenting ...
A coffee table with four legs? that's so boring! Duffy London and Christopher Duffy designed the UP Balloon Coffee Table. ...
Maybe you didn't know this but animals like the lions, dogs or elephants are known for forming strong social relationships ...
This is a neat trick that we recommend NOT doing
Hazel the corgi dog can balance everything on her head, after a few images of her has gone viral she ...
Penguin is her name, and she acts more like a dog than a wild bird. Mom Sam, Dad Cameron and ...
These pictures show how much the world as we know it changed, things that look ridiculous now were everyday life ...
Being a parent is a really tough job, any parent can tell you that. Some parents though, really put in ...
25-year-old Bethany Hamilton was attacked as a teenager by a shark causing her to lose her arm, but this didn't ...
It was all worth it *dog
on Thursday night president Obama was a guest on the show and this funny tradition didn't pass him by. watch ...
Everyone please say hello to Alex. a 7-year-old boy that just loves superheroes and riding his bike. OH, he was ...
Morgan Davidson, a 22-year-old graduate from Ringling college with a BFA in illustration is amazingly talented, what she can do ...
Collecting the best and worst of the sleeping positions wasn't easy, but we got it . and with this information ...
Meet Erik Johansson from Sweden. He is a photographer and retoucher from based in Berlin and he had made a ...
If you don't know the Irish Pub and brewery called McGuire's then you are missing a landmark in Pensacola, Florida. ...
It's a known fact that Golden Retrievers are one of the most loving dog breeds in the world, and even ...
Deciding what to wear, getting up at 12:00, which car to drive? which expensive restaurant to eat at launch, book ...
Dedication pays off. The music video you see below is for the song " In Your Arms " by Kina ...
Czech Photographer Dita Pepe created a unique photo series called " Self Portraits with Men " she tried to re-imagine ...
You can't stop staring at these right?
This Italian artist has the incredible ability to bring an ordinary wood to life with his gifted hands. The sculptures ...
Theddeus Kalinoski was a regular guy, living a normal life until he lost his job as a hotel manager and ...
Meet RJ Palmer from San Francisco, CA. Palmer is a 24-year-old freelance concept artist and illustrator. He specialize in creating ...
Just when you think your day can get any worse, this happens
Oh no! it's evil baby genius! everyone run for your life!!!
Are we all living in a big computer? when we eat steak do we really eat it? or is it ...
One day a blacksmith and photographer Tobbe Malm stumbled onto several rusting bolts at a barn in Bergsladen, Sweden, he ...
You might think that these two just play superheroes in the movies, but this goes to show you that they ...
Blogger Michael M took iconic photos of rock stars in the middle of an intense guitar solo and transformed their ...
A design student at London's Royal College of Art named Simin Qiu created an amazing luxurious-looking Swirl Faucet that will ...
It's remarkable that dogs know exactly when they do something bad, but it seems that they just can't resist sometimes ...
She doesn't like him wearing blue shirts, this had to happen,you can't mess with a man's shirt color
Kim Jong-Un on his many field trips with his military posse following him around everywhere
At first glance you see the famous Dorothea Lange's Migrant Mother photo that was captured in 1936, but if you ...
Woodpecker is shown flying with weasel on its back in amateur photographer's amazing image Credit: Martin Le-May This remarkable image ...
What is a Quokka? It's a small macropod about the size of a cat, like other marsupials in the macropod family ( ...
One of the girls you see below has straight hair, white complexion, and deep blue eyes. The other has curls, ...
Cooking and eating is one of the most common things we do on a daily basis, if you think about ...
Meet Arabel , the incredible 21-month-old baby swims like a fish.or a mermaid , or duck because she can float ...
Coffee Cup That Will Actually Help The Environment - Coffee shops that will choose to adopt the cups will be ...
Take a minute to laugh
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