The beautiful paintings you see below were all done by a blind artist. yes. Sounds ridiculous, right ? but stay with us. John Bramblitt lost his vision 13 years ago due to complications with epilepsy, the once honor graduate from the University of North Texas in Denton lost his chance of becoming a creative writer teacher and he sunk into a deep depression. But just when all seem lost John discovered painting, he learned to distinguish between different colors by feeling their texture with his hands. He also taught himself how to paint using raised lines on the canvas, John also uses something called haptic visualization which he uses to ” see ” his subjects through touch.
His work has been featured all over the world and John himself appeared on TV shows and won awards for his artistic efforts. He is also the author of an award-winning book called ” Shouting in the dark ” and he consults to museums about to progress artists with disabilities. While art was always in his art, it was after he lost his sight that he began painting and at this point ” Art reshaped my life ” as he says. How does it all work? read his own words ” Basically what I do is replace everything that the eyes would do for a sighted artist with the sense of touch. The raised lines take care of finding your placements on the canvas. All of the bottles and paint tubes in my studio are brailled , and when mixing colors I use recipes, In other words, I will measure out different portions of each color that I need to produce the right hue. This is no different than using a recipe to bake a cake”
Find out more and see more paintings in these links: Website | facebook | twitter
Source: Imgur