Theddeus Kalinoski was a regular guy, living a normal life until he lost his job as a hotel manager and his wife left him. as a result Kalinoski gained 20 pounds and grew a huge beard
He then realised he looks exactly like Zach Galifianakis’ character from ” The Hangover ” films , Alan
” One day after not shaving for several weeks I looked at myself in the mirror and thought I look like Alan, people started telling me when I was out at night that looked like him, So for kicks I decided to see if there was some money in doing this as part time job to earn some extra cash. I moved to Atlantic City to see what people thought and I had some fun, but then me and my buddy went to Vegas for a weekend away. and everything changed “
Since then, Kalinoski spends his time invited to parties that pay him a minimum of $1000 just to attend. groups of people vacating in Vegas often treat him to presents and a good time
You can see basically his life got turned around
He even got casted as a stunt double to Zach in the Hangover 3 movie
Here are some pictures showing his ” movie star ” life
It’s in the eyes, that is why you love him
Selfie time!!!
A real life Hangover
Kalinoski taking a picture with Gene Simmons in full Kiss gear
Viva Las Vegas baby
After a hard night partying
This is Kalinoski before he grew a beard
Source: EliteDaily
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