The beautiful and delicate rice grain art you will see below took months to complete. Artist Cheng Forng Shean will tell you all about it below, but just know that in art, size does not matter.
There are only two choices in this life. Either you will be stuck doing what you have in a cubicle for a boss you hate, or you will do what you love.
The reason I am opening this topic is that this was the decision, Cheng Forng Shean creator of the rice grain art made a long time ago.
As he was little, Cheng always loved to draw and create. But when he grew up, like most of us he ended up working for a company that he did not like.
Doing important but at the same time, insignificant tasks assigned by a boss is a true life sucker. So the only way Cheng could be happy and still get paid was to create art.
Though he did not know where art might lead him, he just wanted to escape the same work cycle he had fallen in. Little did he knew, that his art method will be this rice grain art form you see below.
In the beginning, Cheng was struggling to find what kind of style of art he was passionate about. But by years of practicing different techniques, the artist finally found that he was fond of miniature artwork.
So he created art with the canvas being rice, seeds, needles, and other tiny pieces.
Tiny rice grain art piece on the tip of a needle
Drawings made on rice that are as small as the tip of a pencil.
Since miniature art was a really challenging thing to do, Cheng needed to self-teach himself for years. Mastering miniature art needs not only patience and the ability to hold steady.
Cheng admitted that he has mastered holding his breath for up to a minute only to perfect his work.
Holding your breath to produce quality work is essential as it lets you concentrate more and blur everything that does not have to do with the canvas.
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Cheng spends hours on end a day on a microscope to create his paintings. The average time he needs to finish a piece of miniature artwork is 3-7 months.
As this can be questionable for most of us, the reason why the artist takes so long to finish these pieces is that you need to be really slow to create anything.
Because of his years of practice, Cheng has been able to get some credibility from all around the world. He says that what he does is so precious to him that every time he finishes a piece he feels satisfied and sees his creation as something priceless.
Take a look at some of his rice grain art works below
Microscopic drawing of a Chinese farm.
A miniature book that appears to be as big as the tip of a finger.
A video about the rice grain art in action
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