Adopting a pet is a wonderful thing to do. If there is enough happiness, no home is too small so that it couldn’t accept one muzzle, four paws and a wagging tail or more, for example. As a matter of fact, the happiness will only get bigger, that’s guaranteed, and the happy family picture will be completed.
The people from World For All Animal Care And Adoptions in Mumbai recently started a campaign promoting pet adoption, with the tagline: “There’s always room for more. Adopt.” The photos which completed the ads for this campaign are just brilliant interpretation of the tagline. The family members in the photos are close together, totally connected and faced to each other, forming the space between them in the shape of an animal. The optical illusion is created that way and the message is clear as the tagline says – there’s always room for more (and a pet would be a perfect fit for the family).
Photographer Amol Jadhav and art director/retoucher Pranav Bhide are standing behind this remarkable project. The ads that were created for The World for All noble campaign got to the top of Behance‘s Most Appreciated list.
“There’s always room for more. Adopt.” Look carefully in the space between. It’s a bunny.
Ads from the World for All campaign promoting pet adoption. I love the way they use shadows and light in these photos
Photographer Amol Jadhav and art director/retoucher Pranav Bhide are standing behind this remarkable project.
Image credits: Photos by Amol Jadhav for The World For All
Adopting a pet is a wonderful thing to do. If you agree, share this post with your friends and help to raise awareness on this matter. We often post about animals, but whenever we get a chance to write about something good, we really feel it’s worth spreading.
H/T: petapixel