Just as we thought we saw it all in our little food corner, we had the best sandwich ever made, then we had another one. And after that some more crazy cooking from some awesome awesome people and just when we said ok, we can’t top that, this guy came along and totally blew our minds.
YES, this is another super huge sandwich that is basically made from almost anything you can think off, and yes, it has bacon so relax. Browse through the gallery and see the steps to make sure you follow them all because you don’t want to miss anything.
I personally make this awesome sandwich every year when I watch the Superbowl, but that’s a whole other article by itself, so enjoy
1. First thing is to place our steak in Marinade maple syrup
2. Then hollow the bread – You know the drill by now
3. Lets butter this baby up
4. Now take the one ingredient that must be inside every mega sandwich – Bacon! And put some tomato sauce on it
5. Swiss cheese it for the flavour
6. Now Lets get these steaks cooking on the grill
7. Once they are nice and about medium ready – slice them to strips and chunk them in there
8. Don’t be shy with the maple syrup, pour some more in there
9. Now take some mushrooms and fry them with butter – In the next pan cook some caramelised onion
10. It’s coming along nicely, lets it cook for a while
11. When it’s done chunk the onion in there
12. Don’t forget the mushrooms too
13. This is a first in the mega sandwich series – French fries – Get them in there
14. Grilled some Halloumi cheese in the oven
15. Did we already put bacon? Doesn’t matter – Put some more in
16. More cheese – Just to top it off you know
17. And a little bit of the Haloumi cheese too
18. So it won’t be dry – Gravy it some more.
19. And BBQ roast chicken for the finale
20. Close the cover good make sure not to break the bread
21. Wrap it up tight
22. Turn it into an astronaut
23. And put the weight on! Give it a good 10 – 15 minutes
24. Done – looks delicious right? Wait for it…
Seriously – Share this thing, it’s a work of art, spread the joy
Source: Imgur