Maybe you are a fan of steampunk watch art and don’t even know it. If you’re thrilled looking at the sculptures in this gallery it seems you are. And what is a steampunk watch exactly? It has absolutely nothing to do with the anachronistic Punk culture and it refers to a subgenre of science fiction and fantasy that incorporates technology and aesthetic designs inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery. Sculptures in this gallery are work of Susan Beatrice of All Natural Arts who uses clock parts to make tiny steampunk sculptures.
It is amazing how she manages to get so subtitle representation of various living creatures using parts of the machine, and making them in such small sizes that they can fit in a palm or can even be placed at a fingertip. Check out in the gallery below the bunnies, butterflies, sea horses and other tiny sculptures made from the steampunk watches and out of tiny gears and other clock parts looking really fascinatingly lifelike and artificial in the same time.
At her 15, Susan Beatrice had already been displayed at the Congressional Offices. But her works are not limited to steampunk sculptures; she has also made sculptures out of sand, pumpkins, cake and likes to draw. If you like what you see and want to find even more about her check out her facebook profile and her site.
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