Many owners look at their pooches as they do on humans or little personas and are prone to attribute to them human characteristics. But as much as your furry buddy has it all to complete a human-like personality, something is missing… You wonder what? Eyebrows! Yes! Exactly that is missing to round up a little persona perfectly when did you ever saw dogs with eyebrows? Of course, this is just for laughs, I hope the pooches in this dogs with eyebrows gallery won’t take this concept too seriously and be upset at their humans. Check out in the gallery below twenty dogs whose owners just couldn’t resist the curiosity – how they would look like if they had eyebrows!
Dogs with eyebrows #1. I kinda like my new style.
2. Seriously, what’s wrong with you?!
3. Is this coming off ???
4. What’s so funny?
5. This pooch looks lovely with eyebrows! Like he always had these
6. This is just a phase, you must be patient with owners. they’re not smart like us dogs
7. Eyebrows make me look adult right? NO?…maybe not.
8. Losing patients slowly. Last time i let my human paint on me
9. Perfect photo for ID.
10. Someone looks even more handsome with eyebrows.
Dogs with eyebrows 11. Eyebrows pissed off this guy…
12. Cutiepie! With or without eyebrows. He’s just so happy!
13. You won’t be laughing when I destroy your new shoes.
14. I don’t want to go for a walk like this! It’s embarrassing are you crazy!?
15. Ridiculous! Not sure whats going on with this pooch
16. I wonder why is he smirking like that behind the camera…
17. White eyebrows only visible on a black background.
18. Maybe something edgier? Maybe stop being stupid?
19. I won’t forget this! You’re not my friend anymore!
20. HA-HA… Are we done with this shi* yet?
Hey, did you love these cute puppies with eyebrows? Don’t forget to share with your friends.
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