Robert De Jesus is an anime artist who takes ordinary photos and turns them into something extraordinary.
The artist gets the majority of his ideas from his fans, who send him pictures of themselves by way of social media.
Robert has converted people while shopping.
He has even done his anime magic on society’s smallest creatures. Just look at the kitten!
Superheroes appear to be one of his specialties.
Robert also dabbles in a bit of beauty and fashion.
Perhaps the best thing about De Jesus’ work is its ability to have bearings in reality.
We know full well that the drawings are based off the artist’s imagination.
Yet we are overtaken by how close to reality Robert comes with his drawings.
Robert De Jesus often solicits his social media followers for new ideas.
The artist has a special love for animals that shines through in a number of his drawings.
It only takes one visit on his YouTube page to see his passion for presenting four legged creatures in a different light.
In actuality, Robert just likes to see the world from a different perspective.
Imagine a universe where everything is make believe, and all things operate harmoniously.
That is Robert’s world indeed.
Source: Imgur | Viralnova