Eduardo Salles is the artist behind the following photos. He demonstrates what society stands for nowadays with a sense of humor. More info: | twitter
Salles proves a point with these photos; the lifestyle that people adopt is either similar to that of a dog…
Or a cat.
People love to talk about what they do in their free time, and they want everyone to know.
Texting has become the most common way to communicate, since you can hide behind emojis.
The important things that happen get covered up by lifestyle pieces that don’t really matter, and yet get more views than the real news.
The school system tells students they’re not good enough, because their test scores aren’t high enough.
Society says to love your body, yet people still want and expect perfection.
If you keep living like each day is your last, it just might be.
We all die eventually.
The quote “The best things in life are free” doesn’t quite help when you can’t afford clothes, food, shoes, shelter, things necessary for life, etc.
Society says “Be yourself!” but only the normal parts of yourself.
The Bible is now looked at like a fantasy, a fake reality.
We swear we’re going to start dieting, but that quickly turns into exactly what you were eating before.
Relationships become based on how many pictures you take together, and if you really love them, they’ll be your background.
We cut down trees for a holiday tradition, and then we throw it away as if trees don’t provide us with oxygen.
People criticize and think the worse of people who are different than them.
We are no longer able to disappear into a book of false reality since our phones light up every minute with a text or notification.
Google is a search engine that we get lost with into the deep, deep web world.
Instead of the monsters under our bed, we now receive many monsters in the mail or through bad news.
We get so offended by things that aren’t ours and ours alone.
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