We love it when people get creative with their food, although its one of the most important things in life , sometimes cooking the food can be boring and time consuming, so when people do awesome things like the mega wich or the power waffle , we reward them with a spot on our site, hey ..maybe we should open a food section what do you think ? for now. enjoy this super beef sushi
1 : Like any other good sandwich or roll , we start with the bacon and beef
2 : This is what we have to work with : a wrap , fried bacon , beef , omelet , corn flakes and maple syrup
3 : Lets get to it, place some bacon on the wrap like in the image below
4 : Add some of the omelet on it. not too much cause you need to roll it after
5 : Get some beef in there, yes just like that
6 : Carefully start rolling the wrap – careful not to brake it
7 : When the wrap is complete , brush it with the maple syrup
8 : Then pour the corn flakes other it until it sticks nicely
9 : And cut it to rolls just like a sushi
10 : Done ! now serve and enjoy
11 : Heres our cook enjoying his creation , now wait for it……..
12 : BOOM !
Source: Imgur
That’s a crepe, sausage, and rice crispies, not beef, corn flakes, and tortilla wrap.
Thanks E for pointing this out – We will edit , Stay Awesome ! 🙂