Did you know that every year in the first friday of June the people of the united states celebrate the national donut day . yes there is a special day to celebrate donuts. now think about it for a second and be sad you’re not an american . The day was created by the salvation army in 1938 to honor the brave men and women who served doughnuts to soldiers during world war 1 , this day is of course all about the donut , and edible circle shaped piece of dough that is deep fried and then sweeten with chocolate or other sweet material . Usually on this special day donut stores all around the US offer free donuts to everyone .neighbour country canada stated in response of first hearing about this great day that ” ohh they have a holiday to celebrate donuts ? well we have ..nothing like this. lucky bast*rds ” So for those of you who are now in front of the PC and don’t have a donut in hand , take comfort in these 55 pictures of delicious pieces of heaven
1 : Here is one with oreo topping, just to get you started
2 : Chocolate
3 : Bacon ?
4 : Black & white – yeah yeah yeah yeah , its black its white ..
5 : Gummy bears good work too
6 : Don’t be fooled by the pink color. its chocolate
7 : Classic chocolate with grazed topping
8 : Another pink chocolate donut
9 : White chocolate donut with sweet glazing
10 : Mmm this looks amazing, we’re not sure what it is
11 : A mix , we can spot a cinnamon one, white chocolate and brown one too and butter ones
12 : WOW – chocolate with crushed nuts and another layer of chocolate
13 : Classic donut day
14 : Oreo with cream ?
15 : Oil with a little bit of chocolate
16 : Oil in the shape of a baguette with chocolate topping
17 : White chocolate with glazing chocolate chip
18 : Looks like brownies right ?
19 : Regular basic donut
20 : White chocolate with gummy bears . didn’t we have this already ?
21 : Wait…they didn’t …donut with cream and fried bacon topping. what? WHAT ?
22 : Brown donut with dark chocolate topping – ohhh yeah
23 : We had this already common
24 : Basic donut – nothing special
25 : Ohh now were getting somewhere, dark donut with hard chocolate topping
26 : Butter topping
27 : Not sure what this is .. any one ?
28 : This looks like a special dough donut with white chocolate topping
29 : Sugar powder topping on a basic donut
30 : The holy grail of donuts from a different angle
31 : If there wasn’t enough sugar inside the donut – we added some more on top
32 : Love this. the pink chocolate looks like a little bit of strawberry flavored
33 : Dark donut with dark topping
34 : OK , this is a butter donut with fried bacon on top – did we just died and went to heaven ? YES
35 : Somebody loves their chocolate
36 : Looks like a different kind of chocolate . but its the same basic principle
37 : Another chocolate one
38 : Butter or cinnamon with some sort of chocolate chip
39 : Full donut with no hole in the middle. yes its possible
40 : This looks like bread with chocolate cover
41 : This looks like a nutella topping
42 : Brown sugar on top ?
43 : What is this ?
44 : Pink chocolate to throw you off
45 : Chocolate and glazed chocolate
46 : Cream and glazed sweetness
47 : Cream and crushed oreo topping
48 : MmMmMmMmMmMm…doooooonuuuuttttssss
49 : Pretty stinchy on the topping don’t you think ?
50 : Naked donut ? should we dare ?
51 : Looks like corn flakes inside a chocolate topping
52 : butter flavored
53 : How do you call these little sweet things that are on top ?
54 : Brown chocolate with white sprayed chocolate
55 : Finish you off with the classic donut
Source: Imgur