” I was amazed by the way he squeezed it with delight when he was excited, the way he buried his nose in it while sucking his thumb , and how he just had to sleep with peter every single night “
We all know what his talking about right ? we were all kids and we all had a favorite toy or teddy bear that we just couldn’t live without, years of memories in one little thing, from that thought the “much loved ” photo series was created by Mark NIxon .The project showcase photos of old wernhout teddy bears or other stuffed toys that have been loved and cherished by their owners for decades . Nixon got the idea after noticing his son with his teddy bear named peter rabbit ( mentioned above ) . After the project started to to take off and became popular he became very surprised by the amount of adults that responded to his project , when ever someone would talk about their loved teddy bear they do it with such emotion its like bringing back all the memories . have a look at this emotional time console embedded in toys .
Pink teddy , 24 years old
Aloysius , 55+ years old with one good eye
Brownie , 30 years old
Teddy Gilligan , unknown age
Panda , 50 years old ( This is actually Nixon childhood teddy bear )
Flopsie , 6 years old
Teddy , 40+ years old
Daddy bunny , 8 years old
Teddy , age unknown
Beary , 6 years old of fun and games
Ted Ted , 5 years young
Teddy Moore , 43 years old and looks awesome
Gerry the giraffe , 10 years old
Peter rabbit , 10 years old ( This is Nixon son teddy bear )
Edward , 104 years old WOW
Louis , 42 wopping years old
Bobo , 34 great years old
Teddy , 51 years old
You can visit Mark Nixon website for more work his done
Source: Imgur