You can’t say “Fu*k off” to your annoying guests, although you feel like saying it. All you can do is just smile and offer them some tea or coffee. So, how about telling them how much they should change their behaviour through that cup of tea or coffee? Miss Havisham is the solution. Melissa Johnson invented the insulting cups “for the lady who speaks her mind”. And since we’re talking about ladies, speaking your mind shall be a subtle matter. And you’ll see below what we’re talking about.
“I’ve been an animation producer for 20 years and this was a much needed creative outlet. My grandmother was a (crazy) sometimes-antique dealer and I grew up in an eccentric family surrounded by lovely, but often broken, things. Every woman in my family is a Miss Havisham to some degree so I guess old and creepy imprinted on me because pretty much everything I love is chipped and discarded”, confesses Melisa.
The insulting cups come with popular messages like “Kindly fuck off”, “I hope you choke”, “Stop talking” and so on. They are available in blue, aqua, or yellow. They look quite delicate and prissy, but the messages on them are not. “I love the juxtaposition of high brow and low”, says Melisa. “They have a history and they also have spunk. Context is really everything. They can be super mean I suppose but if you don’t get my sense of humor there’s really nowhere to go from there”.
Curious which insulting cup is Melissa’s favourite? The answer is “We hate your baby”. No one is going to say that out loud but we’ve all thought it at one time or another. Oddly enough, that cup is particularly popular with parents which surprised me”, says the creator of offensive cups.
If they appeal to you and you think you’re going to put them to good use in the future, you can order them for around $60. Here they are!
Shut up and take my money!
All images: Melissa Johnson