Photographer Ulric Collette created this awesome gallery of genetics portraits , he simply took two people who are directly related , like a father and daughter or twins . then he photographed them with a split screen . the result will dramatically show you the power of genes , we know its not a big shocker that a baby girl will have her mother eyes and her father nose . but the way he shot them really takes this to a new level.
Brother and sister

Two brother. they look so much a like

Father and daughter , you can clearly see her in his eyes

Some of the people in the photos look so much a like it feels like you’re watching the same person in the future\past version

Brother and sister – if you shave the beard and give him long hair. its the same person

What ? you’re looking at twins. but it feels like you’re not


Ulric was born in 1979 and he is a self taught photographer , he studied art and graphic design in Quebec city

He now work as an art director for Collete , for those who don’t know its a communication studio in the Quebec region

Two sisters, wow

Father and daughter . look at the eyes

Father and daughter. these two are not exactly alike . but still . this is awesome

Mother and daughter again


Here is a short clip to blow your mind
Urlic work had been featured in many websites, magazines and books around the world .but now he finally got our attention and our stamp as being pretty awesome !