Another memes article here. Because we know you love them so much. This time, we’ve got the 39 funniest Asian memes out there and you’re about to have a good laugh today. What is it about asians that they attract so many memes around them, are they really that different?
Sure they have their own culture but any other nation in the world, we are all different in that way, for some reason, asian people make us laugh, in a good way. Close your office door, put on some music and start laughing.
By now we all know that laughter is the best medicine, to pretty much anything you’re going through, so if we manage to make even one person laugh or smile today, we did our job, and that’s what we’re trying to do here at The Awesome Daily, just make people smile.
SEE ALSO: 20 Mildly Offensive Asian Stuff
1. Really? I didn’t know.
2. That’s some skill.
3. Badass level: Yoro
4. When you go to the market and they don’t have your favourite food
5. Hello, dear truck – That’s a funny asian meme
6. Nobody celebrates like people in Asia
7. A panda needs to ride on the train
8. You are jealous.
9. Relationship goals level: Dream
10. What a beautiful name
11. That’s a quite good one night stand
12. Go, play the game, you little Asian girl
13. Find a new family, you lame duck. You no Asian of ours
14. We need to cook these cuties first. This is a bad one, are we going to hell for this?
15. You can’t lift like that, not in a million years. You need to be Asian
16. Because Asians are always A+
17. There’s a new sport in town: Kung-Fu soccer
18. They are born to be perfect. You rock, Asian people.
19. Do you hear me? It’s your problem to fix it.
20. Priorities, priorities, priorities
21. When your spoon drops to the soup…
22. Cute little… food. NOPE!
23. We all should have been born Asian
24. Because dad needs a successful son
25. Like a pro.
26. It’s a dangerous thing to do. Never go full asian
27. They seem quite serious when it comes to this tiresome activity: studying
28. A, you need to always get A, otherwise you’re a loser
29. Smart people these Asian guys
30. Picture, picture, picture!
31. Who dared say that?
32. It requires focus
33. Asians know how to tourist!
34. My eyes are sealed!
35. Pokemon Go? Can it be played in bed? How stupid of me that I walked miles and miles to play that game
36. This is how you make a meme…so good, you don’t really get it
37. This one is too much, maybe, a little…
38. Samsung, Sony, Lenovo, Sharp
39. This is a very bad asian meme, we’re sorry, very very sorry
These asian memes were meant to be funny, please don’t take offence by them and take them as a joke, which is really what an internet meme is so anyone browsing the web for more than a day, should get.