People usually make fun of things they don’t understand, so it’s no surprise that there are a lot of internet memes about Asian people. Because of their rich culture and history, so many of us don’t really understand much about them so we use humor as a defense machanizen and honestly, the joke is almost always on us.
Asian people right? Now before you go and accuse us of anything, this is not meant as an offence, there’s just something about people from Asian countries that is so unique and special that it’s hard to take notice, and we meant it in a good way, really.
This list of mildly offensive Asian stuff will surely brighten your day, especially if you can relate to some of these. At our site we often publish articles that are meant to make you laugh, so memes is a popular theme here. Just make sure to take it as it is, a joke.
1. EPIC BURN to kick off the mildly offensive Asian list
2. Genius! Works every time!
3. Yup. He meant every word of that too.
4. Makes us all feel average. Asian people are just too good at everything.
5. Unforgettable scene
6. This guy seems really lonely. any takers? That look though
7. There goes the neighborhood
8. The ancient art of picturing only Asians can master
9. LMAO! I laughed really hard at this
10. I feel this is a little bit offensive
11. ME ME!
12. When rollercoasters bore you, you become Asian
13. So this is an ordinary thing there, ok
14. Next evil genius. Competitive AF
15. No man, please don’t, why do they eat cats, WHY?!
16. Asian people being mean on the internet
17. LOL, honestly though, I never saw one either.
18. This is an Asian burn from a world wide level
19. Nope. Just stop
20. Starting young. Someone should stop this habit
Source: Imgur