These amazing origami art pieces is proof that this art form can stand the test of time. If you didn’t know, the art of folding paper ( Origami ) has been around for centuries in the far East and Japan in particular. But it’s only on the last 50 years or so that the rest of the world discovered it, and fell in love with it deeply. Since it’s introduction to the western world, the folding art system developed from simple birds and planes to complex paper sculptures that will not shame the biggest names in the sculpting world. The best thing about the amazing origami art form is that you only need a sheet of paper or two, and a lot of patience. Browse the list below to see some stunning examples of the folding paper art.
1. Amazing origami creation of the Harry Potter character Nazgul
Via: flickr
2. Red and white cow made of paper
Via: flickr
3. Perfectly shaped ball
Via: flickr
4. Traditional Japanese cat from Japanese paper
Via: flickr
5. A stunning lion with all the right colors
Via: flickr
6. Is that an old man dubbing? Sure looks like it
Via: flickr
7. Origami creatures are the most fun to make
Via: flickr
8. Amazing horse with wings origami
Via: flickr
9. Forest keeper. So many details it’s stunning
Via: flickr
10. Japanese princess with an umbrella
Via: flickr
11. A person’s face with sunglasses on
Via: flickr
12. Incredible origami of a red dragon
Via: flickr
13. Yellow owl flying away on an adventure
Via: flickr
14. Traditional Japanese armour
Via: flickr
15. Another samurai soldier wearing full gear in yellow color
Via: flickr
16. Long winged dragon – Amazing origami creation
Via: flickr
17. Black crow, don’t mess with the crow
Via: flickr
18. Death king riding his red horse of doom
Via: flickr
19. Two wizards sharing a moment together
Via: unkonwn
20. Is that the egyptian king?
Via: unknown
21. Precious model air plane made entirely out of paper
Via: unknown
22. The last Jedi warrior with a green light saber
Via: unknown
23. Strong and muscular bull
Via: unknown
24. Stunning origami of two dinosaurs
Via: unknown
25. Incredible pattern of duck paper creation
Via: unknown
26. Proud lion standing tall
Via: unknown
27. Goldfish – look at the scales, so accurate
Via: unknon
28. Flamingo anyone? Sure why not
Via: unknown
29. I believe this is Link from the popular video game The Legend of Zelda
Via: unknown
30. Master Yoda
Via: unknown
31. The larget origami in the world: 215 feet width and 12o feet tall
Via: unknown
These awesome origami creations are worth a share i’m sure.