Throughout the ages man has been fascinated with drawing tools. As early as ancient Mesopotamia man has used tools like the stylus and compass to help them draw. In the 1700 Swiss clock makers designed elaborate Automata installed in articulated figures to draw simple yet amazing things.
In the 1800s wooden devices were invented to creative elaborate geometrical designs with the turn of a crank. These geometric designs were created by arms and gears working off of a curve known as a cycloid, a theory discovered by Galileo in 1599. LEAFpdx has an amazing device that they’ve appropriately labeled the Cycloid Drawing Machine. Previous Cycloid machines were complex, some having hundreds of parts. Even the late 20th century version of a cycloid machine, the “Spirograph”, has over 50 pieces.
LEAFpdx has made their device easy to use by installing a fulcrum that can be positioned and rotates. The company proudly boasts: “Gone are the simple rotary drawings of old,” By allowing the fulcrum point to move and having a huge number of interchangeable gears our drawing machine is more like an engine turning lathe.” Check out the astounding video below!
Source: MyModernMet