Stelios Mousarris, a furniture designer from Cyprus, has spent a significant part of his life collecting toys and action figures from his childhood. These toys brought back the feeling of childlike carelessness, which most of us can relate to. The designer then went on to create a coffee table out of multiple rockets. The process of the production included various techniques, including 3D printing. The glass top of the coffee table is not attached to the base, which is made out of five different rockets. This means that every customer can arrange the base at their liking. Before you move on to looking at the pictures, can we stop for a second and appriciate the fact that this is a frekin rocket coffee table! I mean, you can see that every leg is a very detailed rocket shooting into space and the only thing stopping it from reaching the stars is the glass table. That’s what I call a great design. More info: | Facebook
This rocket coffee table was created by a childhood love for toys and rockets by Stelios Mousarris
The rockets are made from wood and are very detailed from his own toys collection as a kid
The coolest part about the coffee table rocket design is that the rockets are not attached to the glass, so you can rearrange them as you like
To complete this design, the artist used 3d printing, hand carving and even resin casting. The results speak for themselves
If you’re like me, a child trapped inside an adult body, this is probably the coolest table you ever saw
via: boredpanda