In this series of photographs featuring the delicate details of peacock feathers, photographer Waldo Nell took his trusty Olympus BX 53 microscope and created breathtaking series of photographs based on the delicate structure of a peacocks feathers.
In an innovative process called photo stacking, from 10-infinity photos are taken of the subject using different focal points. The program then “stitches” them together to provide an image that is rich in depth. The result is a beautiful series of photos in which the bird’s feathers resemble intricate needlework rather than the plumage of a bird.
If you are interested in seeing more of Nell’s work you can find them on Flickr. Nell lives in BC Canada where he works as a software engineer, but lucky for us, his passions are science, photography, and technology.
He blends these skills together to create his magical images! By day Nell is a software engineer in Port Moody, BC, Canada, but is fascinated by technology, science, and nature, all of which he merges in his photography practice. You can see more of his work on Flickr. (Via Reddit)
Source: Colossal