Look at these photos of smoking kids below, it looks terrible i know, that’s’ the whole point! Photographer Frieke Janssens created this project to raise awareness to the differences between smoking in western and eastern cultures. She took kids from ages four to nine and dressed them up as adults, then she gave them smokes…not real ones don’t worry, she used chalk or cheese sticks and the smoke came from an incense, but it sure looks real. She was inspired by a video of a 2-year-old Indonesian boy smoking casually and decided this needs to be a thing people talk about. ” The aesthetics of smoke and the particular way smokers gesticulate with their hands and posture cannot be denied. But among the different tribes of smoking kids – Glamour , Jazz and The Marginal, there is a nod to less attractive aspects, on the line between the beauty and ugliness of smoking ” More info: Twitter | Facebook | frieke.com
Source: Demilked