I was going to write about how cool these coin sculptures were and the attention to detail. I was going to write about the unique medium Robert Wechsler chose. But how about I talk about how I could totally use that change? For real. Anybody who has the pennies to spare like that can pay my bills for me. I wouldn’t object at all.
I have a coffee can in my bedroom filled with change. And every time I look at it I think of what beautiful dollar bills it will make some day. If I ever get around to rolling them. It would be easier to take them to a coin star but then I wouldn’t get my actual moneys worth.
Okay, penny pinching aside, Robert Wechsler is kind of a creative genius. I guess the money he would have made trading those coins in could double if he sells the finished piece. Of course, he doesn’t do it for that reason.
“My work seeks to awaken undiscovered virtue in everyday objects and spaces by challenging commonplace associations through careful intervention.” He says.
Take a look at these geometric creations by Robert Wechsler and leave your thoughts in the comments section.
When Robert Wechsler see coins he doesn’t see money, he see a great form of art
The recently developed art series of coin sculptures is simply called ” Money “
Through this art form Wechsler invites us to look at these highly valued metals from a different perspective
Robert uses coins from all over the world to create his coin sculptures and it doesn’t matter if they’re new or old
He cuts the notches in the coins by hand and carefully connects them together to create these geometrical shapes and patterns
“My work seeks to awaken undiscovered virtue in everyday objects and spaces by challenging commonplace associations through careful intervention.”
The end result is as unique and beautiful as it gets
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