Patrick Cabral, a web programmer and animator from the Philippines, besides spending most of his professional time in the digital world have a passion for calligraphy which was his interest ever since he was an eleven-year-old boy. It’s a nice thing when people become skilled as grown-ups turn to childhood hobbies again and do it with mastery. And if the reason for that is a noble cause, that surely is amazing.
Layered paper cutting art by Patrick Cabral is a beautiful artwork and features various animal species. Pandas, snow leopards, and pangolins can be seen among other animals in the gallery below that Patrick made of cut paper with great precision.
They all have in common one thing – they are endangered species. Every piece is multilayered and has a structure of the fine lace. Besides it has high aesthetic value the subtle structure also serves as a wise metaphor; it presents the fragility of particular species making us all think how careful we should be about this issue and prevent their extinction.
Patrick Cabral is selling his work at the online art auction site called Acts of Kindness – 50% from each of Cabral’s sales goes to the World Wide Fund for Nature in the Philippines.
Patrick Cabral: Website | Instagram | Facebook
Layered paper cutting art by Patrick Cabral
Every piece is multilayered and has a structure of the fine lace
Pandas, snow leopards, and pangolins…
They all have one thing in common – they are endangered species.
The subtle structure of Patrick’s artworks serves as a wise metaphor…
It presents the fragility of particular species.
Humanity must be very careful in order to keep these animals among us and not lose them.
50% from each of Cabral’s sales goes to the World Wide Fund for Nature in the Philippines.
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