During the month of love while counting days till Valentine’s day, meet Loubie, a pooch for whom Valentine’s day is every single day of her life.
Cesar Fernandez-Chavez walks his dog Louboutina, or shorter Loubie, in Manhattan every day. What catches people’s attention and occasional requests for a photo with his dear pet is her unusual behaviour. As the matter of fact, Loubie likes to hug! It’s the sweetest thing you’ve seen all day, I’m sure.
People started to pay attention to this unusual couple and to take photos of them. One photo after another appearing on social networks of random passengers and Loubie soon became pretty much famous on the Internet. Check out in the gallery below how cute Loubie is while doing her hugging thing and what her owner said to The Doddo about their walks, Loubie and her behaviour.
If you like what you see make sure to follow what’s new with Loubie on her Instagram page.
“It’s just not a regular walk. It’s a walk with hugging. So we don’t get to go too far.”
“She started sitting up and grabbing my hands with both of her paws and then crossing the other paw over her paw. I remember joking with my friends, ‘At least I have someone to hold hands with during Valentine’s.'”
“From then on, every walk, she wanted to hold hands. She would just sit up and cross her paw over the other, and look around like a lady. People passing by were like, ‘Oh my god, she’s so cute.'”
“Instead of asking me to do the holding hands thing, she just sat up, very close to my legs, and she’d wrap her legs around my knees I thought, ‘This is weird. What’s going on?’ But I let her do it.”
“She gets a very good grip, depending on where I’m standing. I have to make sure that I’m keeping well-balanced.”
“Pictures started coming up on the internet.”
“We’d run into neighbours that she knew, and instead of just leaning on them, she started hugging them, and then random people who would come to us.”
“It’s nice to see people walk away with a smile. Especially with everything that is happening now, people say it’s so good to see this on the street. She’s bringing them joy. It’s very rewarding.”
“Sometimes people run up and ask for a hug, but I tell them, ‘I don’t think it’s going to happen,’ because she has to bond with that person first.”
“But when she sits next to someone, then I say, ‘You’re probably going to get a hug.'”
Free hugs for everyone
You must feel joy being hugged like this
Sweet, sweet Loubie
Source: Thedodo