Photographer Julie Wilson indeed features a heartwarming beauty of children with Down Syndrome in her recent project, being inspired by her late sister, Dina who was also diagnosed with the same genetic ailment.
Julie is a well-known photographer in New Jersey who resolved to venture into a very special project closest to her heart. She captured a group of joyful kids who were all diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
In her project, she wants the world to see the incredible beauty of each children’s unique personalities and attributes.
She wants to convey a message that parents should not treat Down Syndrome as an affliction or situation that is fatal. It has to be treated normal yet with special attention.
Diagnosed Down Syndrome children can live productive, normal, and happy with satisfied long years just as their families who support and love them wholeheartedly.
Down Syndrome is a genetic ailment that occurs before the birth of a child. It is a lifelong condition which cases vary from person to person. However, each of them should be treated with much care and supervision.
With care and support coming from every member of the family, the child could live normally and happy just like  the other normal kids out there.
Children diagnosed from this condition nowadays are getting help from the researches that medical science is conducting worldwide.
Julie still has fresh loving memories of her sister Dina who died four years ago due to a congestive heart failure. This heart failure normally occurs to those with Down Syndrome.
According to Julie, Dina was “the best thing that could have happened to our family.”This rare condition indeed brings the family closer and happier, though challenges accompany it.
Some of the kids with this condition also goes to a normal classroom, engaging with their classmates and playing with them.
Because of the help of  family who gives support and encouragement and with the modern medical science , Julie’s sister, had lengthened her life span on earth.
In this photography project, it is clearly visible that her objective is to see these people with Down Syndrome in a different perspective.
These children are good communicators of love, they are the most genuine and honest person in the family and they are able to symphatize with other people’s emotion.
If it is in your heart to support and help people and kids with Down Syndrome, yet you don’t know how, visit
This group will tell you what help you can offer and how you can become aware of this condition.
Source: faithtap