for those of you who live in San Francisco , California , you may want to go down to the beach immediately after reading this. the guy in the picture below is called Andres Amador and he is an artist. what he does you ask ? well he does not paint or build sculptures , oh no , this artist uses the beach sand as his canvas , his uses a single rake stick to paint in the slick sand of the beach . some of his work are over 100,000 square feet ! there is only one thing in common when it comes to his work. they are all temporary .
Andres says he works during the low dite hours
” For me its all about the process and not the results ” he said
When he creates sand paintings he sometimes uses a rope for the geometric patterns
If you run into him and wonder why he does it when it’s all ruined after a few hours
His answer is simple ” its fun ! and i get to be a the beach every day “
So if you havent walk to the beach until now and kept reading. next time you find yourself there look one of his art works – it wont be there for long
The way it works is by raking up wet sand that is darker than dry sand
Which creates this awesome contrast of colors
You can rent Andres for marriage proposals or if you like to learn how to paint in sand yourself
He is extremely talented and his work is so delicate it makes it more special knowing that it wont be here forever. make sure you follow him on his facebook page, or visit his website
But more importantly – share his work with your friends so he will get the recognition he deserve