It’s that time of the month when you have to get all your ugly panties out and wear them because you can’t risk to have your sexy bikinis spoiled. Luckily, we have this list of funny period memes to help you out in your time of need.
It’s that time of the month when you have mood swings and go from happy to angry to really angry to dangerously angry without any apparent reason.
It’s that time of the month only women know about. For them, we prepared 60 period memes to show them they are not alone.
Let’s stop being angry at Mother Nature and let our period days be brighter thanks to these memes! Enjoy!
The funniest period memes online
1. Just cry! We can honestly stop after this period meme, it pretty much says it all
This is how it feels like when you have your period right? You can literally lay down on the ground, cry, and your tears will mix with the blood of your period, it’s disgusting we know, but it’s a great way to illustrate how it feels guys.
2. Harakiri! Feels like it right?
Why every month when women get their periods it’s like their body is so ashamed that it didn’t conceive a child that it tries to get back of the woman by hurting her lol. Obviously we know this is very not true, but in the context of these memes, we thought this will help you with your cramps. So maybe we should change the name of this article to cramps memes?
Before we continue with the hilarious memes about periodÂ
Let’s first use this opportunity and learn something about it right? As most of the guys online will never have a clue about what goes on inside a women’s body when she has her period, let’s illustrate that shall we? When it’s time time of the month, a women might feel:
- Period cramps
- Bleeding
- Mood swings
- Tiredness
and other symptoms that can vary from women to women. The bottom line is that men will never get it, so the only thing that they have left to do is maybe try and laugh about it? Wrong answer! Never laugh about a period your partner will straight up kill you. Here are a few more memes about periods to see before you die.
3. Things have always been tougher with girls
Source: Sarah Andersen
4. Reality vs Expectations
5. It’s such a complicated geography
6. There are two sides to this story. I’m not pregnant! Yey period!
7. It can always get worse when you’re a girl
Source:Â Sarah Andersen
8. When the uterus is taking revenge on you
9. Yep. Sometimes it feels just like dying
10. Period, the cute panties’ deadly enemy
Source:Â Sarah Andersen
11. Yes, period can spoil your whole vacation.
Source: C Cassandra
12. That feeling…
13. That’s why…
14. Tampons are nowhere to be found when you need them the most
Source:Â Sarah Andersen
15. A man has to shop for tampons, as well.
16. Men, you will never know!
17. When period’s playing with your mind
Source:Â Sarah Andersen
18. Ready for the journey?
Source:Â Sarah Andersen
19. I’m wondering who has to suffer more?!
Source: thegentlemansarmchair
20. Period is a b**** – And this period meme proves it
21. Oh, c’mon!
22. The two big moods!
23. When period comes, get out of our way!
24. Things have changed
25. “But you don’t know the struggle!”
26. Not really ruin, but you know…
27. Own it!
28. Wish!
29. Do you want to know what it feels like?
30. Happy who?
31. Busted!
32. Don’t trust those period ads – It’s all lies
33. Boys can’t handle periods. Period!
34. “There are a lot of things we can do and you, men, can’t!”
35. Only girls know the struggle
36. When your own body is angry at you
37. Sometimes it works in stealth mode
38. We all have been through that… we, meaning we, girls. Only we know.
39. Just to spoil your white sheets because Period is a b****
40. This is disgustingly funny
41. Complex thing going on here
42. Yeah, right!
43. When the demons take over you
44. When you’re at the seaside, but can’t take a bath because… you’re a girl
45. Yeah, periods change everything
46. Open the gates!
47. Aaand… knockout!
48. Well, at least it feels like that
49. God knows…
50. That critical moment when being a dad is the hardest thing to do
51. When you go through so many states of mind…
52. The many shades of Period
53. But how many months are there left?
54. When you’re a “so good at everything” tampon
55. Sometimes it feels like the Nile is flooding
56. You’re gonna need a few of these cups during this time of the month.
57. This is legit, this is how it feels.
58. Some people will say this is life in general, but we are talking about girls here damnit!
59. Get that things out of here – This is my time
60. The mood swing is something to look out for.
These were 55 period meme pictures that only girls will understand. Please share