Meet Jerameel Lu, a 24 year old Civil Engineer from the Philippines that dreams of turning his hobby and passion of creating 3D pencil illustrations into his job.
Until that dream becomes a reality, Lu draws in his own time after work but his busy schedule as a life as an engineer leaves little to no time for hobbies. He says that this doesn’t give him much room for creativity because his job is internet based and he works alone late into the night, when you work until 8am almost every night, you don’t have much time creating.
Think about this situation, you work all night and sleep all day, you work at something you like, but it’s not your passion. It’s a daily struggle that many face and it comes with a lot of stress and frustration.
Maybe someday, when Lu has enough money he could turn to his passion full time and do what he loves, if you look at this artwork you can actually see the struggle he faced as the pieces he draws look like they try to push through the page, trapped under the pressure, trying to break free.
As time went by and more people were exposed to his cool 3D pencil illustrations, they asked him about his technique so he posted a step by step guide on how he creates some of his awesome work:
Lu says that it can take a long time to create each piece because he doesn’t have a lot of free time to do his art, but if he had to guess, it could take one full day if he worked only on his art to complete one piece. The hardest part about this kind of drawings is to create the shadows, you have to spread it evenly across the paper so it will create the right lighting effect. More info: Facebook
Jerameel Lu creates these cool 3D pencil illustrations in his free time…
He clearly has talent, but as many of us know, he has to work a different job to make a living…
His work symbolize the daily struggle of being trapped doing something other than your passion
Trying to break through the page as Lu tries to break through his life and do art full time
Maybe one day he will have enough money or freedom to do what he loves
We share his work in the hopes of helping him get one step closer to his dream. Please share this post to help to.