Think different! Refers to positive attitude and capability of unique problem solving. the gallery below is also about people who think different, drunk people. Don’t laugh, drunk people think very differently and sometimes they do things no one understands. The images below are of people who think a little bit different from their usual self after having maybe one or two too many drinks.
Drunk people thinking differnt #1
2. He needed an energy booster, so this should do. This is a thinker
3. It’s important to stay neat. Think about, when it’s hot out, this will keep your feet cool.
4. Couldn’t find the key. Never mind i managed
5. So, what’s the problem?
6. Toasted pasta, that’s thinking outside the box. Drunk people rule!
7. It’s open, that counts. I’m a genius!
8. It’s important not to be misunderstood. Planning ahead
9. The one day in a month to try new things.
10. Artistic installation. It’s art, it’s unique, can’t argue with that logic
11. Sandwich with a bun! No one tried this before.
12. Ready for the picnic! Who needs a grill
13. No one will notice I took a little nap. Beds are so 1990’s man
14. “Drunk people order differently and break traditions. Got the dominos guy to buy me McDonald’s in the special instructions section.”
15. Stop pulling our leg! Drunk alter ego!
16. Brilliant conversation. One of you is drunk
17. Confession. Didn’t want to bother Sherlock. Mystery solved
18. Time is just an illusion. Let’s break the shi* out of time
19. Good thinking. Will find them first thing in the morning.
20. Almost in. Just a little bit further, i can do it! No i can’t i’m sleeping here
So as you can see, drunk people sometimes think on their feet, and most of the time, well, they do their best and make us laugh in the process, what’s the harm. Please share with your friends if you enjoyed this post.
21. My dearest friends, always here for me.
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