When you own a bar in an area where there are a lot of bars, advertising is important. Even more important is advertising right outside your doors. Drunk people are everywhere, stumbling around downtown. They just want to go where the fun and alcohol is and these funny chalkboard signs are a perfect way of tempting the people inside.
If you’re moonlighting as a bartender but you’re secretly a writer or a comedian, you have an advantage. Writing something clever or hilarious on a chalkboard sign outside your doors is a really effective way to bring in business.
Take a look at these funny chalkboard signs, for example. If your sign is funny or clever enough to be spread all over the internet, surely it’s good enough to draw in some customers.
Are you looking to make some more money off of the drunks in your town? Take a page out of the chalkboard advertising book. Leave your thoughts in the comments section.
1: No hipsters please!
2: Funny chalkboard sign outside a wine bar in Napa
3: Trust me, you dance fine
4: It’s much better believe me
5: Standard UK bar signs
6: It’s funny because it’s the same face but with coffee
7: Funny chalkboard sign
8: You little cheeky bar sign
9: You had me at free beer
10: It’s the best kind of soup
11: Fish can’t remember their own thoughts
12: Every Valentine’s it’s the same deal
13: An irish bar sign, they have your back don’t worry
14: Because bacon
15: Awesome bar sign
16: Clever chalkboard sign, perfect example
17: Lol bar sign in Edinburgh
18: Not worth your risk, get in
19: That’s the best kind of soup
20: Hilarious chalkboard sign outside of a bar
21: We do have tasty beer though
22: Alcohol makes us talk
23: Beer is very important
24: You know there’s a support group for that
25: Just talk to a real person
funny chalkboard signs #26: Just a sign at a bar that is funny
27: Clever bar sign
28: Know your surrounding
29: Ireland signs know what’s up
30: This is how you twerk
31: Now this is a fun chalkboard bar sign
32: This is an inspiring
Don’t forget to share these funny chalkboard signs with your friends
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