Cat logic, one of the great mysteries of the world. No one can understand the cat, the cat does what he wants and if you don’t like it, you can pretty much die. That’s how a cat thinks. When talking about the logic behind a cat way of thinking, try and think in terms of me and I.
Cats are selfish animals, they always think about themselves first, they don’t really care about you or anyone else. If you give them food and shelter, they will stick around, but that doesn’t mean they love you. Don’t be fooled, if you happen to forget to feed them for one day or two, they will be out the door, looking for a better deal.
SEE ALSO: 40 Doggo Memes That Will Instantly Make Your Imaginary Tail Wagging
Heck, I used to own a cat that would literally his at me and scratch me while I was giving him food. That little shit! Cats need to learn from dogs a thing or two about gratitude and showing love to your owner who takes care of you and keeps you safe from the cold street. But until this happens ( Never ) Here are 20 cat logic memes that only cat owners will understand and laugh with tears in their eyes.
1. LOL, cats have perfect vision from afar. Not close
2. This is cat logic. They hope you will crash your car and die.
3. They actually wait for you to clean their shit…Why are we doing this?!
4. Because cats will do anything to annoy you.
5. Cats don’t like to see you relaxed or sleeping.
6. Never try to understand cat logic, you will lose your mind
7. With no real purpose or intent
8. Just eat from your own bowl damnit!
9. This is really annoying, just finish your bowl first, then I will give you more food.
10. Dogs do this too. This should be called animal logic
11. Cats only want to mess with your head man.
12. Love story between a cat and his box is truly touching
13. Go for it, let’s see what happens
14. How else is he supposed to wake everyone up
15. Never satisfied, always want what he can’t have
16. It’s backwards you dumb moth*?!
17. Should we tell him?
18. That walk though…
19. Never buying my cat anything anymore.
20. I’m not really surprised
If you own a cat, these cat logic memes will speak the truth to you. If not, just walk away.