Roommates can be often real pranks savages. If you ever had a roommate you’ve probably tasted unpleasantness of outrages sense for humor on your skin. But I guess that’s part of what makes living with a roommate a unique experience right?
Here we have a huge collection of really extreme examples of roommate pranks. Scroll down and just be happy your roommate didn’t go that far! And if he/she did, please share with us your experience in the comment section.
1. What do you do when you have a roommate who is afraid of crawling creatures, especially in the night?… You hide a fake insect inside of the living room lamp, of course!
2. FIVE party poppers put to the inside of your bedroom door…Just imagine going to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
3. Room transformed into a croquet court… Hope the roommate enjoys playing croquet.
4. That’s a lot of tin foil! This prankster really got serious about this one.
5. When your roommate works in the movie theater.
6. This brilliant person told their friend there was a “leek” in their bathroom to evoke a little fear…
7. Airhorn at the front door… I feel so sorry for the unlucky roommate.
8. Remeber the movie Home Alone… I bet this prankster was a huge fan.
9. Ladybugs on the bed are fake but poor roommate didn’t know that when entering carelessly the room.
10. This actually could be a pleasant surprise…
11. If your roommate is afraid of the dark you don’t buy a lamp for the dark hallway…Nooo…
12. It in the toilet which you’ll not be needing anymore after this.
13. “Scare me as you may, but never take my snacks!”
14. “Oh, so you think I’m going to clean for you? Well…!”
15. Macaroni and cheese Kool-Aid doesn’t exactly sound like comfort food. “No one will ever ask me to do them a favor ever again.”
16. Why leaving a note when you can leave thousands of them…
17. Roommate turned their bedroom into a closet by installing new drywall… slow burn prank for a medal!
18. Classic walk of shame prank
19. Craving Ice cream but getting only ICE – Brutal!

20. This is the evilest prank on this list
21. The hot dog mistletoe joke
22. Are you Chris? No? Keep reading
23. This is a hilarious roommate prank
If you loved these hilarious roommate pranks, be sure to see these 51 Funny Pranks For April Fools