Everyone loves April fools right? Well, you need to be ready for this day with some funny pranks to pull on your family and friends.
Now remember, there is a fine line between a good april fools prank and just doing some serious damage to someone’s else property or even hurting them. So think before you do something that can’t be reverted, but other than that, everything is fair game! Let the pranking begin!
1. Fake a balloon blowout. ThisĀ is the first of the funny pranks for april fools
2. Planting a grass on a co-worker keyboard
3. Put an infinite loop of shopping carts around someone’s car
4. Put an airhorn under a seat to scare someone
5. This evil mouse prank is hilarious!
6. Caramel apples? How about carmel onions? Awesome prank!
7. Scare the shit out of someone by becoming a car seat
8. I think this is my favorite of the funny pranks list – hang a picture of Kim Jong Un on the staff wall
9. Your friends who love soda will be surprised with this ice/mentos bombs
10. Replace air freshener with shrimp scent, this is creative
11. Simple prank at Walmart
12. When selling your house, leave a lovely message
13. Nicolas Cage is everywhere!
14. Cover a soap with clear nail polish and leave it in the shower
15. Put a air horn behind a door and watch what happens
16. Keep a bathroom always occupied for when you really need to go.
17. This is a cool prank. Place hundreds of cups with water in the hallway of your school
18. Leave this at a restaurant if the service was bad
19. Cool prank with one Mentos
20. Want a chicken soup shower? LMAO!
21. This guy really went all in on the lawn prank
22. Get people to roar like Chewbacca prank
23. Change someone’s cubicle into a bathroom. Priceless
24. Make dinner for your friends with this cardboard
25. Prank your friends on April fools with this fake dead body
26. An office upgrade? Hilarious!
27. Fake poop is always fun
28. Mixing M&M’s, Reese’s chocolate and Skittles in a bowl. The humanity!
29. Fake rats everywhere! Love this cute april fools prank
30. Throw flying sausages all over the room
31. There’s nothing like the classic important item inside jelly prank
32. 2,000 balloons inside your office, have fun
33. This is just cruel! Replacing ice cream with ice
34. Place a mannequin head in the shower window. Will freak everyone out around the house
35. Built an entire wall of water cups outside the room. This will take forever to take down
36. Hang their clothes all over the room
37. Replace Oreo filling with toothpaste. This is a Chinese torture method and a killer prank
38. The evil switch! HaHaHA
39. Fake cigarettes buds at the bottom funny prank
40. Take your friend’s phone and change the contacts into it’s a mystery game.
41. Draw a spider on the toilet roll
42. Wrap the entire office with newspapers. This is so funny
43. Replace cookies icing with mayonnaise, why?!
44. Turn your office into an aquarium
45. Tape the water hose in the kitchen and watch the mess
46. This door has been caged!
47. Place a moldy looking cake on the kitchen counter where the sponge used to be.
48. Replace regular chewing gum with play doh
49. Create a funny april fools prank with these insect lamp
50. Put an empty toilet paper roll in the both – this funny prank is just horrible
51. Fake liquid splatter
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