Humor is one of the biggest inventions of humanity. Actually, we don’t even know who invented it, it seems it was here from the beginning of time and it’s here to stay with us. Good humor is the perfect medicine for almost everything. Sometimes I think we underestimate its power.
This time, we are going to show you some examples of fine humor that doesn’t hurt anybody, but makes us smile or laugh a little and feel good. Scottish-born artist and designer, Hey Reilly is well-known for making fun of advertising and branding campaigns with his outstanding altered images of celebrities and ad campaigns.
Usually, a big brand collaborating with a big name from the celebrity world is a win-win situation and fans love to see it. But, what happens if “the devil wears Tesco”? Or Yves Saint Laurent is nothing much, but a logistic company and the Pope and Prada are an item? Humor happens. Just see for yourself below, we dare you!
Reilly just got a shout out from Dior for turning a picture of Celine Dion wearing a Dior handbags into a picture of Celine Dion wearing a Celine Dior bag. Also, you get a PRADA Express shop instead of a Tesco and the DHL transport truck is branded Yves Saint Laurent. But she doesn’t stop there. Calvin Klein gets a Burger King kind of look and YZY becomes the new KFC. Scroll down for more.
Hey Reilly has almost 60,000 Instagram followers who take great pleasure in her work. All her humorous sketches and ideas get posted on Social Media and liked by thousand of fans who appreciate a good laugh from time to time. Thank you for your time, Hey Reilly! More info: Instagram
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Don’t forget to share these hilarious Hey Reilly photos so that others may laugh