My sweet tooth is about to rejoice with the release of Pillsbury’s new line of baking mixes.
The company most well known for their delicious baking products, Pillsbury, has just recently teamed up with Girl Scouts of America to create homemade dessert mixes.
Cookie lovers no longer have to hoard and freeze their Thin Mints for months hoping to savor every last tasty crumb until the next season. For $3.29/box you can now create and enjoy your own caramel and coconut delights.
Although some Americans may enjoy the satisfaction of home delivered boxed cookies, it is still refreshing to see that Girl Scout cookies may be available all year long, in brownie and cupcake form.
Here’s to no more waiting for a seven-year-old to come knocking on your doorstep. No more desperate searchers throughout your co-workers, hoping one of them has a secret Girl Scout connection.
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