Joshua Hoffine created this special art exhibit of children worst nightmares . the artist who is based in Kansas have been working on this project for the better part of the past decade . what it is ? well he recreates classical childhood nightmares that we all used to have. monsters creeping out underneath the bed , monsters in the closet and so on. he explained he is fascinated by the psychology of fear and how fear loses its power when you are an adult. Now here is the real kicker of this story. Joshua almost always uses his own young daughters in the shots ! He says his kids are extremely proud to be included in his work and are never frightened
” They loved it ! “, he says ” it was like a giant room of dress-up for them ” ” they loved the idea of scaring the audience as much as i did ” here are some of his amazing work :
A big scary monster clown behind the laundry

Joshua Hoffine
Satan breaks through the floor and coming to get your soul

Joshua Hoffine
Going down the stairs to your basement is always scary even as an adult !

Joshua Hoffine
A maniac killer in your house killing everyone and just found you

Joshua Hoffine
The classic monster in the closet

Joshua Hoffine
A big scary wolf chasing you around the house until you are cornered

Joshua Hoffine
Your mother turning into a zombie or something like that

Joshua Hoffine
Waking up from a bad dream to find your mom dead with lots of cockroaches climbing out her mouth

Joshua Hoffine
Every time you open the fridge you fear someone will sneak up on you behind the door

Joshua Hoffine
Sneak monster coming out of the air-conditioning and eating you

Joshua Hoffine
Falling to a hole in the ground to find a living dead !

Joshua Hoffine
Climbing to the attic to find huge spiders !

Joshua Hoffine
Classic monster coming under the bed

Joshua Hoffine
For more – or just because this work is awesome . make sure to follow Joshua on his website. facebook page and twitter