The first time we saw these paintings we didn’t notice anything strange. but after a while you begin to see that they are actually created out of thousands of little items . Jane Perkins is behind these creations , and they are awesome ! she says that from a young age she has always been creative and loved drawing . later in life she turned to a nurse and was a ward sister for 7 years. after 17 years as a nurse and another 10 as a mother she decided that it is time to develop her talent and creative potential . she started art school and completed a degree in textile in 2006 , but during her final year she started working with found materials such as beach debris and driftwood. ” i enjoy using materials which have a history , and love art with an element of fun and the unexpected ” she says. you can follow her work on this site : bluebowerbird
In her ” Plastic Classics ” series , Jane Perkins used almost any items she could find , buttons , plastic toys , LEGO pieces and many more items. she used them to re-create recognizable paintings like the Mona Lisa , Da Vinci and also portraits of famous people like Albert Einstein and Nelson Mandela
Although her artistic roots are in Textile art , she works only exclusively with plastic parts.
Perhaps the most interesting part about her ” paintings ” is the fact that if you look up close you can see thousands of items that create a work of art on their own. its like watching two art pieces at the same time
By creating her work from found items , they make a strong statement about our mass-consumption society
Beautiful work of Nelson Mandela
Have you ever seen Marilyn Monroe like this ?
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