How many times you had suspicious that your cat is plotting to kill you? Thoughts about the sincerity of the love your cat have for you? Be honest. Their love is not as warm and obvious as dogs’, that’s a fact. They may seem a bit evil from time to time with their own master plan and it’s no joke, and sometimes you might seem only as a tool for achieving their evil plan. Okay, these thoughts are crazy and we dismiss them the very second they appear on our mind, but have you ever wondered how to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you? The subtle clues hinting of the suspicious thoughts of your cat can be seen in this huge collection of cat photos who look just like they’re plotting to kill you! Scroll down the gallery for some chills.
1. You don’t have a clew what’s going to happen to you soon…
2. Hello, human, I won’t be needing your services anymore.
3. … and nobody will suspect a thing, that’s the best part of the plot.
4. My plan has been uncovered.
5. I did little something to the engine to make it better.
6. Kids are attention stealers… so rude! You will pay!
7. Soon, human, soon…the perfect cat plotting to kill you image
8. Your death will be slow and painful! Oh, sweet revenge!
9. The girl seems to be scared to death. Someone help her
10. I’m gonna finish with you when I finish with the chicken.
11. No milk?! I can be cruel too, you know…
12. Would this cat freak you out!?
13. Just a few more seconds…this cat is executing on his plans
14. Who wouldn’t be scared… Glance cold as ice.
15. The author must be eliminated, we mustn’t allow this!
16. I’m not pleased with your actions human, you will be punished.
17. You will get back in at some point…
18. This cat has moved from evil stare to biting
19. My plot is so amusing if you only knew.
20. Love you? I’m disgusted with you.
21. You’ll be so sorry for closing that window!
22. I’m thinking of 100 different ways to kill you
23. I am dressing up as Santa so you’ll think i’m a good cat. But in reality i will kill you
24. OK this cat means business, do not mess with him
25. This cat is not only thinking about killing you, he already started
26. Evil genius at work
27. Waiting and lurking
28. Soon human, soon
If any of these how to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you pictures didn’t prove our point, please get a dog.