Hey folks, we have some really great news! There’s nothing as depressive as to find out in the press that some species have been endangered or even extinct thanks to the careless relation of humanity towards them. Makes you feel ashamed you’re a human, doesn’t it? On the other side, news like this reminds us all that there are humans who are awesome and can save species by their actions and efforts.
And the great news is – the Mexican jaguar population has rebounded by 20% over the course of the last 8 years thanks to a program launched by the Mexican government.
The national government of Mexico decided to launch the program in 2005 to help this endangered species to recover. As result, today there are 4,800 jaguars in Mexico alone and worldwide there are 64,000 jaguars which made the species listed currently as “near threatened”, not “endangered” as it was the case since 1972.
“The presence of jaguars ensures that these ecosystems function, by controlling the population of herbivores, and is also an indicator of the ecosystems’ good health,”
said Heliot Zarza, vice president of the National Jaguar Conservation Alliance, in a statement released by the World Wildlife Fund.
And that is not the end of the good news. On March 1 this year, 14 Latin American countries signed an agreement at the United Nations on implementing a regional conservation program for the big cat species through 2030.
This entire region seems to get very serious about efforts in preservation and restoration of their variegated ecosystem. Brazilian government managed to decrease deforestation by 90% thanks to aggressive measurements, and in Columbia, a group of young adults and children sued the government for failing to properly protect the Amazon rainforest (where great majority of jaguar population live), and as result, new regulation in that direction will be implemented in the following months. As we said at the beginning, humans can really be awesome.
via: goodnewsnetwork