These playful illustrations were created by Alex Solis, Alex is an artist and illustrator that lives in Chicago with his wife and two kids. The illustration below shows the circle of life, focusing on predators and in his own words ” Most times, the word predator brings to mind an image of snarling teeth and slashing claws. while many predators fit this image, many others do not. Predators come in many sizes and shapes. They can be as tiny as a bug or as large as a polar bear. What does a ladybug eat? You’re right. other animals! What about that beautiful Robin that we welcome spring with? American Robin and worm yes, another predator! Are you getting the idea? Predators are animals that eat other animals. they’re not bad guys. They’re just guys trying to ” make a living ” like you and me. ” making a living ” to them is finding enough food to eat. Are they always successful? No way, life can be tough for predators “. Show support for this talented artist and visit him in these social links: Instagram | Pinterest | Tumblr | twitter | facebook
Source: Imgur