The great majority of dog-owners regularly haveĀ conversations with their furry pets on daily basis. Sometimes they get the suspicious eye from no-owners when they do so, but is this reaction justified? I think – no. Certainly, dogs can not understand everything we talk to them, but surely they can “read” the emotion beneath our talk.The video that Anthony Federica Granai, has shared via his Facebook page illustrates that clearly.
Ettore, the dog, was naughty, and Anthony scolded him, after what Ettore was very sorry and trying to apologize.
Someone has been a bad boy. Daddy is not pleased with that, at all.
Ettore knows Antony is mad at him, so he tries to fix it with cuddles.
He is persistent, but still feeling guilty.
And here we go… Daddy is not mad anymore – hugging time!
Who could resist this sweetness. Watch the whole video bellow.
Source: Thedodo