Do all the questions have the answers? Hmmm… this question is mind boggling, just as more than these 40+ mind boggling questions in the gallery below that you can use to take your brain on a walk with no particular goal…
Are you ready for some out of body Q&A? This post might take you a while, so sit back and relax and clear your schedule before you start, because some of these questions will leave you pondering for hours LOL.
Let’s check them out, just for fun!
1. Is a cyclops winking or blinking?
2. How could you give a homework to a homeless student?
3. If prunes are dried plums, where does prune juice come from?
4. Pinch yourself and if it hurts what does it mean? That you are too strong or too weak?!
5. Could God microwave a burrito so hot that he couldn’t eat it?
6. Are eyebrows a facial hair?!?!
7. What was the question?!
8. If there are microwaves are there also micro surfers?
9. Have you noticed that we are closer to 2030 than to 2000?
10. Where did barn owls live before there were barns?
11. Are a brain transplant and a body transplant the same thing?
12. Why boogers don’t smell?
13. In the word “scent”, is it the “s” or the “c” that is silent?
14. When you say for something that is indescribable, didn’t you just describe it?
15. Imagine having a wooden boat and then replacing one board after another until all the boards have been replaced… Is that a new boat?
16. Think about random vacation photos…On how many are you in.
17. Maybe crabs are wondering if fish are flying…what do you think?
18. We are all going to die one day…so, if it is like we are living or we are dying?
19. When you drink water, think of how many people it has been through.
20. Do people who are born deaf hear a voice in their head while they are thinking?
21. The word “queue” – just one letter followed by four silent letters…Right? Or not…
22. Can a hearse drive in the carpool lane if is driving a dead body?
23. Have you seen some wild bird more than once?
24. If something costs $9,9 and you are willing to pay it, you’ll probably don’t mind paying it $10…But where does it stops… at $10,1, $10,2…
25. Is it crazy how saying sentences backward creates backward sentences saying how crazy it is?
26. This question hunts my dreams
27. At the beginning there was nothing
28. Did we just blew your mind?
29. How do you know that red color is actually red?
30. What is the present?
31. Because somebody cared.
32. That’s how the big marketing companies get you
33. Seems like it yes.
34. I usually try and photobomb random people’s photos
35. It’s a renewed boat
36. Do we really know the size of the universe?
37. YUP, it perfectly is.
38. Movie ruined forever
39. this is so crazy!
40. Bet you don’t know the answer to this one
41. What? Wait…shut up – keep going through these mind boggling questions
42. If you stand behind a clock, is it going clockwise?
43. What would a room with only mirrors look like? Mind boggling
If you made it this far and still have a working brain, try these 41 dumb questions to give your brain a rest