When you accidentally open the front camera many things happen: You have the face of a zombie bringing about the Apocalypse; You are a monster trying to figure out what is happening to your monster self; You are about to be cast as the next Frankenstein. Yeah, that’s a lot on your plate.
Accidentally opening your front camera is something we can all relate to. It happens to all of us and it points us, even strongly, that taking a selfie is not an easy task. Angle is everything when taking a selfie. You have to have the perfect angle before you proceed forward with all the other aspects. To make selfie an art, you need to know how to better illuminate your cheekbones and show symmetry where there is none. Yes, we all know it’s a painful and time-consuming activity and we do it because we want to look good to the world. But we also have those wrong selfies secretly stored on our smartphones.
These are some of them: Accidentally opening the front camera and showing your many face bags and your true, natural self. Are you prepared to look at yourself? Of course, we’ve also added some animals pictures that are cute and totally express the madness of selfies.
1. Beauty is in the eye of the selfie camera!
2. “What is this? Who am I?”
3. “Ooops! I opened the camera. Wtf, hooman! Get me out of here!”
4. When you are bored and…then you take a selfie
5. When you are a virgin when it comes to selfies and you first try your luck with it
6. The resemblance is stunning, absolutely stunning!
7. “It seems fun when they do it? What’s so funny? How are we supposed to stand?”
8. Someone is having a good time!
9. “Where is the snooze button! I fucking hate this alarm!”
10. When you accidentally open the front camera and you look like this
11. Yeah, or much like this fellow!
12. This is PRO level at failing when taking a selfie
13. “What is this? Why is hooman staring at this all day?”
14. That angle does it all
15. I see three. How many do you see?
via: someecards