Preparing a steak is not as easy as it sounds. some are experts at it. and each have their own way of doing it. we found this gallery where a man posted his way of making the perfect steak. and we love it
1 : First you take out your piece of steak and let it stand for about 30-40 minutes so it can warm up to about room temperature
2 : Next you insert your steak into a bag and suck the air out
3 : You do this so the steak will feed it own blood , keeps all the flavours in
4 : After it looks like this. it pretty much done and you can continue
5 : You see how the two pieces have gotten big ? this is because of all the fluids inside
6 : Now comes the fun part. fire up your grill. we prefer to use a barrel with live fire in it and grill cover on top. but you can use a regular grill to
7 : Throw that steak onto the cover and let the fire burn it good
8 : You can carefully spill some wine or something else that is flammable to make the fire cover the steak…please do not do it without adults near you. fire is not a game for kids
9 : This is the results . pretty impressive don’t you think ?
10 : You can see the fire burned it good . and it gave it a nice tasty color – but how does it look from the inside ?
11 : Perfect ! that’s how .look at the nice red color
12 : Soft. you can almost taste it from the picture
13 : MmMmMmM…believe us . the taste is just as good as it looks
14 : Got some burned fat in there too. for the fat lovers
15 : Perfection
Source: Imgur
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