Meet Nangua. This adorable little creature was born recently in the Taronga Zoo in Sydney. The new member of the Zoo family belongs to Francois’ Iangur species, a rare monkey that can be found in northern Vietnam and southern China. He is cute as all babies are, but what is really exceptional about him is his bright orange fur (Nangua means pumpkin in Mandarin; a very convenient name for this fellow, you will agree).
Still, orange fur is something that happens from time to time when it comes to offsprings of this species. They can be orange, white or brown as babies and then by aging their fur slowly turns to gray or black; it helps adults to make a difference between them.
‘He’s still quite wobbly on his legs, but his head control is very strong and he’s gripping and climbing well. The adults are starting to let him climb off them briefly, which shows they’re happy with his progress’, says from the Zoo.
There are only 2000 of Francois’ Iangur left in the world today. We hope there will be much more of these adorable babies in the future no matter what color they would be.
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