So a guy posted that his friend is a male model, and he’s a dork from brooklyn. And with that he may just strated what we feel could be an epic photo mashup complaining about your life battle! He could pass as a middle aged male model too no? He’s got a nice place in Brooklyn, nice car, life ain’t so bad man. Watch the hilarious pictures below
” My male model friend takes Instagram shots in the middle of the ocean – I stand on a wet board in my little garden with a broom ”
” Male model friend Driving along the coast line in a luxury sports car – Me by my TANK car that never fit in a parking spot “
” Male friend disappearing into the beautiful sunset on a tropical island – Me standing on my wet board looking at my 80 year-old asian neighbor that doesn’t speak a word in english and may be part of a secret Japanese gang. ”
” My model friend shows his core strength while the ocean drips by his feet – Me laying on my back in my Pjs lifting a trash can and can barely hold it for two seconds for the photo praying not to spill all the garbage on my face. “
Don’t feel bad guy from Brooklyn, it seems like you have a nice life, and beauty fades aways anyway right? Please say yes…
Source: Reddit