This is the unbelievable story of two photographers who went on a simple and routine game photoshoot ,in the middle of their day the two spotted a pack of baboons being chased by a lion
The lion eventually caught up with one of the female baboons and killed it. what happened next shocked them completely . the lion noticed that a little baby baboon holding on to his mother baboon who was just killed and in the first moment he had he run to the nearest tree while the lioness was still trying to figure out what was going on
The baby baboon tried his best to climb the tree , but it was too weak and it failed. the lion then started to approach him slowly, and by this time we all know what comes next right ?
Shockingly enough the lion started to gently play with the scared baboon that was all cowering next to the tree , the baboon was still injured and in shock by what just happened so the lion picked him up in her mouth , at this point it was clear to all that this baboon has met his fate…
Well…sorry to disappoint . but even the most heartwarming disney story couldn’t match for what happened next
The two were instant friends ! the lion gently pet the baboon and seemed to enjoy playing with him
After a while the baboon started to respond and even pet the lion on her chest
At one point another lion approached for he thought the lioness caught him a nice dinner . but she quickly responded with aggression and pushed him away defending her baby baboon
Mean while on a tree nearby , the baby baboon father looked at the whole scene and was a little bit in shock. but happy to see his little boy is still alive.
As soon as he saw the lioness was not paying attention he grabbed his baby baboon and got him to safety on the tree.
This awesome story was captured by Evan Schiller and Lisa Holzwarth and all photos credit are their alone .
You don’t see something like this every day. so share
Source : imgur
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