A nine-month old Labrador, named Baxter was able to save the life of his young owner, Olivia, one afternoon when she was suffering from a high fever. In order to get Olivia’s mom’s attention, he barked and growled so loud that Amanda (Olivia’s mom) tried to stop him. That’s when the Lab started to bark even more to get her attention.
Because of the dog’s persistence, her the mom finally checked up on how Olivia is doing and she found out that Olivia is having a seizure because of a very high fever. She also saw her choking with her own vomit. Baxter literally saved the young girl’s life. If it wasn’t for him, Olivia might have been choked to death.
Usually, a seizure only lasts for about 60 to 90 seconds, but Olivia’s seizure lasted for about 6 minutes. Olivia then spent the night in the hospital with Baxter who stayed beside her making sure that his little buddy is fine and free from any danger.
The story of Olivia and Baxter is just one of the many remarkable stories of rescue that we can see and witness everyday. It goes to prove that dogs are selfless and they always look out for our safety and security even if their life would be at stake.
Source: barkpost