The Pizza, a universally loved food that is really simple to make and eat. just a little dough and some tomatoes and lots of delicious cheese. Everyone loves Pizza, and everyone always think about which topping should i order on my slice, extra cheese? Onion? Mushrooms? How about a live chicken..WHAT? yeah you heard me! There is a bizarre pizza place in Brazil called Bate Papo that will literally put anything you want as topping to your pizza, and we do mean A.N.Y. thing, Don’t believe us, just check out the images below and you will never look at a pizza the same way again, guaranteed. More info: Facebook
Pizza with a birthday cake as topping, say hello to the proud owner
Need any scale?
Extra Mozzarella anyone?
Or do you prefer extra Pepperoni?
Cake day? that cake is a lie
OMG – is this heaven?
LMAO ” Send us nudes “
A guy asked what if he ordered a thousand dollars as topping
Ah yeah, i want a facebook topping please
Sweet pastries topping
Yeah, this is normal in Brazil
Wi Fi topping
Summer is coming
For Paris!
This is not what i meant by Pineapple topping
Source: Imgur